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The significance of social services is increasing. The demographic development, changes in social and family structures and new needs present social services and institutions with new challenges. However, the shortage of money narrows the manoeuvring space more and more.

Social organisations must face these challenges and master the balancing act between increasing demands concerning the kind, scope and quality of social work on the one hand and the possibility of finding finance on the other.

How to fulfil the social mission under these conditions?

How to ensure that the staff, the financial funds and material facilities are used effectively to achieve the desired effect?

How can social services be adapted to changing needs?



We have long-standing experience in the forward orientation of non-profit organisations.

We provide support in

the strategic alignment to new or changed requirements regarding finance, market and organisation
optimising the range of services and cooperation with other providers
controlling facilities and mobile services
planning, controlling and monitoring investments and budgets
optimising procedures, organisational structures and location concepts
planning and introducing IT support systems
personnel planning, job definitions and the development of career concepts
developing leadership competence and team cooperation
establishing changes and ensuring that they are accepted by all concerned (recipients of services, management, staff and volunteers)

In short: We enhance the quality and profitability of your social services, irrespective of whether you are the cost centre or the manager.

